Are you avoiding things you used to enjoy doing?

Do you find yourself saying, NO, when you used to say, YES?

Is it tough just to get through the day?

No, it’s not you. It’s your testosterone levels

Correction of fatigue and restoration of energy levels is the number one reason guys initiate testosterone replacement therapy and it is also the number one reason guys stay on therapy. Medical research clearly shows that lack of energy and reduced motivation is linked to low testosterone levels. Men tend to describe this feeling as defeat, that this is their new normal and part of their aging process. Even if you do manage to drag yourself to the gym, low testosterone could mean you have less stamina to get through your workouts and see results which can be discouraging. Prolonged, continuous fatigue is NOT normal at any age. And lack of energy can affect many parts of your life including your work performance, your family life along with your attitude and mental state. What is considered the normal aging process for men does not have to be your normal.

Hale Men’s Clinic will help you start feeling like your old self again.

Seth Revoal